Women’s health– “My husband and I waited until we were older to have a baby—I was 36 when my daughter was born. We were excited, but nervous. No one can prepare you for the way a baby changes your life: no sleep, constant crying, the trials of
breastfeeding… At the hospital, they had me take a quiz after she was born and my answers triggered a visit from the social worker. She gave me info on a local postpartum group and gave my husband some info on PPD warning signs to look for. I’d had to have a C-section because she was stuck (and I mean really stuck) so my husband took a little extra time off of work and a friend came to stay on the days he had to go in. I was lucky and thankful to have the help—I didn’t know what I was doing and the baby scared me too.” *clk the image or Women’s health for the complete article