Famous Black families we share Welcome homeIt’s hard to imagine a time where moving on up was a show and a hope not just an expectation. I know I am motivated by my grandfather’s voice telling me to want more, do more. I can see others have the same voices in their ears. #parkers #freshprinceofbellair #berniemacshow #comingtoamerica #tvblackfamilies #famousblackcouple #blackcouples #jeffersons
Welcome homeIt’s hard to imagine a time where moving on up was a show and a hope not just an expectation. I know I am motivated by my grandfather’s voice telling me to want more, do more. I can see others have the same voices in their ears. #parkers #freshprinceofbellair #berniemacshow #comingtoamerica #tvblackfamilies #famousblackcouple #blackcouples #jeffersons